Benefits & Cleansing of Amethyst Crystal

Benefits & Cleansing of Amethyst Crystal


Color: Shades of lavender, violet

Chakra: Crown, Third Eye

Born in: United States, Britain, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Sri Lanka, Uruguay, East Africa, Siberia, India

Water Cleansing: Yes


Here are five facts about amethyst that you will not know.

  • Amethyst is a 6th Anniversary gemstone. (Yes, I am talking about official wedding anniversary gifts)
  • Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer together with meditation that can relieve your stress and strain, making it a healthier alternative to painkillers 
  • Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition, and enhances your psychic abilities (associated usually with the Third Eye Chakra)
  • Amethyst is said to strengthen the immune system, reduces pain and strengthens the body to fight against cancer. (My favorite fact)
  • Amethyst is associated with the following Zodiac signs - Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces (for you astrology lovers)
  • Let us also talk about how we can start using Amethyst crystals in our daily life.


Here are the ways you can do so:

  • Carry a small amethyst crystal in your pocket or purse.
  • Wear jewelry made from amethysts, such as a necklace, bracelet, or ring.
  • Place amethyst crystals or geodes in your home.
  • Drinking from crystal-infused water bottles (best to purchase from a trusted manufacturer)
  • Manifesting, such as holding the crystal and speaking a wish or hope
  • Meditating with it
  • Placing them in a bath (make sure the crystal can be in the water)


For myself, I like to meditate with it every alternate day depending on the crystal I choose for each session.

Or I bring it along with me whenever I leave my home.

So, this concludes my Magical Crystal episode.

I hope you gained some value from it and learned something new today.

It is a good reminder to appreciate and learn more about our crystals.

Because of what they have done for us.

Healing and taking care of us.

Like how our spouse takes care of us.

So, we can always have a strong relationship with them.



P.S. Do you have any Amethyst Crystal? Please leave a comment and say us how this crystal affects your life.

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