What the Hunter Moon Means for Astrology Signs

What the Hunter Moon Means for Astrology Signs

The End of September, Time to Hunter Moon! Reading What the Hunter Moon Means for Astrology Signs 7 minutes Next The Mercury Retrograde
Astrology Sign
    We are so excited for the Hunter moon! Today I will be sharing what the Moon means for your Astrology Sign. So read to the end! (I have a surprise for you) We are going for a Zodiac adventure.
  1. Aries

This full moon is in your sign, shining a bright spotlight on you.  If you are working through lessons of maintaining your autonomy in your closest relationships, introspect about how you can be entirely yourself and also work on a team. This may be one of your most pressing questions. If you feel competitive with others during this full moon, realize that this feeling has nothing to do with others. It is all about you. So, be internally competitive and strive to be the best version of yourself. If there is something you are doing to improve yourself now. Like reading new books every day or exercising more. Keep it up!

  1. Taurus

This full moon inspires your dreams, and you could see silver linings around every cloud. Stay in this positive vibe and focus on what’s possible in the scope of your own life. This mind-set will keep your stress levels down during the intense time. And, make no mistake, you will feel busy. It is okay to turn down invitations and give yourself a break from it all. Make time to relax and meditate by yourself. Give yourself space and regain inner peace.

  1. Gemini

This full moon highlights romance. If you are single, you could meet someone special at a social event. (Not Tinder!) If you are in a relationship, make time for romance. Work may be busy, and you could feel spread thin. This full moon also helps you have some profound realizations about your friendships. As your vision for your future becomes clearer, you could have a stronger sense of which social networks might support your dreams. This applies especially for entrepreneurs. It is ok to let go of toxic people in your life. You do not need them. You can always make new friends with positive people who will support your dreams.

  1. Cancer

You were born with a generous spirit, and that is often reflected in your relationships. That said, even you have your limits. This full moon aims that generosity toward yourself. Start with self-forgiveness and self-acceptance. Stop being hard on yourself, give your inner critic a day off, and try not to take things too personally. Take a break and do something you like. It can be reading a book, singing your favorite song (or going rockhounding for new crystals like me!) Realize others may be having a rough time and projecting on you their frustrations. A get-together with good friends and some good, soulful talks will help you move through this intense time.

  1. Leo

This could be a fun and social full moon for you. Plan an adventure. (I recommend rockhounding!) Change your routine. Make it a point to have fun. You might take this same approach to marketing yourself or updating your personal brand. Think about how you want others see you, and be that version of yourself. Access the courage you need to build a new platform for your work or creative endeavors. After all, you were born to shine. (Because you are part of our Pretland family)

  1. Virgo

This full moon invites you to look at your finances. You could feel pulled between developing ways to make more money in your day-to-day life and developing long-term investment strategies. Focus on paying off debts, saving, and budgeting. The underlying issues for all financial matters are those of self-worth. Do you value yourself enough to ask for a raise?  Set a financial goal and stick to it. You have the power to create the life you imagine—an abundant one at that! Own it and believe in your power. Do not be afraid to ask your boss for a promotion if you believe that you are capable of providing more value to your company. Have the courage and go for it!

  1. Libra

It is your birthday season, and hopefully, you’re feeling the love. You have permission to be more assertive, during this time, and to speak your mind—but do so in your diplomatic Libra way. If you have been thinking of working with a business partner or hiring an agent, you could see signs pointing you in the right direction. If you are single, socialize! You never know how, when, or where you’ll meet special someone. Keep an open mind and say yes to invitations. (Birthday parties, Social gatherings, you name it!) (But keep in mind the social distancing at all times)

  1. Scorpio

Pay attention to your dreams, as they may have clues for your waking life. Your intuition could also be stronger during this full hunter moon. If you feel fired up and ready for action, access the courage you need to make a big life change. This is not a time to play small or stay in your comfort zone. Be bold, and assert yourself. That said, try to avoid going deep into an argument or conflict.

  1. Sagittarius

The Aries full moon highlights romance. If you are single, you could meet someone special. If you’re involved in a relationship, you could rekindle the spark that first connected you. If you’ve been busy with other aspects of your life, dedicate a little extra attention to your love life. Everybody needs a little love in their life, right? And since this is also a highly creative time, you could begin to see the manifestation of your dreams. (Time to release your inner Picasso)

  1. Capricorn

You could be pulled in different directions, so work to strike a balance.  Maybe you feel pressure from family members to be more available. Yet, you have simultaneous ambitions driving you to achieve your dreams. Try to have compassion for others to avoid being caught up in any unnecessary conflicts that will get in the way of your bigger goals. This applies to me so well. (Not because this is my star sign) I always feel like I am overwhelmed and having to do so many things at once. So, I need to really start working on my work-life balance more.

  1. Aquarius

This full moon awakens your sense of adventure. Give your inner free spirit the break it needs and travel to expand your mind and push you from your comfort zone. If you cannot travel, daydream about where you might go. This full moon also inspires your faith in yourself, in others, and in the universe. So, stay positive and clear the path between where you are now and where you aim to be. Dream big, and believe in those dreams. Remember, nothing is impossible until You think it is impossible.

  1. Pisces

This full hunter moon highlights short- and long-term money matters for you. You could have a breakthrough that helps you see how deserving you are of abundance and success. In the short term, you may want to save and budget wisely. Stay present to any financial concerns you have without going into denial. Professionally, this is a time to take charge, be the boss, and forge onward in the pursuit of your dreams. Is it a house you always wanted? A lifestyle you always wanted? Time to start planning and take action towards your dreams.


So that concludes all 12 Astrology signs.

How does this apply to your sign? While some signs have it “better” than others, always be positive and trust in your crystals. All things are not absolute, and the only constant is change.

Happy Full Moon to you. 



P.S. Leave a comment and let us know what features of your horoscope you have.

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