Benefits of Sapphire Crystal
Sapphire crystal is known to be a stone of wisdom, royalty, prophecy, Divine favor, and nobility since ancient times. Some of the healing properties of the crystal are linked with strength, hope,...

Benefits of Aquamarine Crystal
Aquamarine crystal was known to be the treasure of mermaids in ancient stories. It is a pale, bluish stone that has its name derived from two Latin Words: Aqua means Water, and Marina means Of the...

Benefits of Garnet Crystal
Garnet crystal or the stone of commitment is a precious gemstone made up of different silicate minerals. These minerals have similar metaphysical properties. However, they have different chemica...

Benefits of Hematite Crystal
Hematite crystal is a heavy and dense, iron-containing stone. Mainly found in Brazil and South Africa, it also extends to Canadian Lake Superior and Switzerland mountains. It was known as the HAIM...